WEFT 90.1 fm

listener-supported, volunteer operated, community radio since 1981

Mission Statement

What makes WEFT different from all commercial stations and most public radio stations is that we are owned by the community that we serve. Members of WEFT's Board of Directors are elected by our membership, the Associates, and current Board members. Our programming is selected by the Programming Committee, whose members are elected by the Board and the Associates.

The biggest difference is our relationship with our listeners and our community, a relationship spelled out in our mission statement.

Mission Statement

  • WEFT 90.1 FM is a non-commercial radio station locally owned by Prairie Air, Incorporated, a not-for-profit corporation.
  • WEFT 90.1 FM is an accessible, responsible and responsive radio alternative, serving the diverse communities of radio listeners in East Central Illinois.

Our Mission Statement tells why Prairie Air exists in the first place, why this particular group of people have come together to make radio. Everything that happens at the station - making a policy decision, evaluating the content of a particular program, or deciding whether or not a specific person is doing their job - is measured against the Mission Statement.


WEFT makes the airwaves available to the community by providing the equipment and training necessary for those who show the creativity, initiative, and capability to produce or participate in a radio program.


WEFT broadcasts are maintained by volunteer hosts who are responsible for the programming content of their shows.


WEFT provides the airspace for those who are under-served and under-represented by other media in our community.


WEFT offers the community a forum of expression to voice views as well as a wide spectrum of music, news, information, and unique entertainment.

These points define what we aspire to do for our community as well as our volunteers. WEFT makes it possible for members of the general public to broadcast their own programs over their own radio station.

If you have questions contact WEFT's Station Manager at 217-359-9338.