About WEFT
What makes WEFT 90.1 FM different from all commercial stations and most public radio stations is that we are owned and operated by members of the community we serve. WEFT is about variety, diversity and more.
Mission Statement
- WEFT 90.1 FM is a non-commercial radio station locally owned by Prairie Air, Incorporated, a not-for-profit corporation.
- WEFT 90.1 FM is an accessible, responsible and responsive radio alternative, serving the diverse communities of radio listeners in East Central Illinois and worldwide listeners via our stream.
Link to WEFT's full Mission Statement.
WEFT's first began broadcasting on the FM airwaves on September 25, 1981, you can read a short version of WEFT's History here.
WEFT Video from the 90's https://youtu.be/X0EJEIGP4BQ Clips of many WEFTies who helped make WEFT what it is today. How many do you recognize?
On our Governance page you'll find all the info about the Board of Directors for Prairie Air Incorporated, board meeting minutes, Prairie Air Incorporated Bylaws, and WEFT Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
Proposing a WEFT show
Link to Getting a show.
Administrative Contacts
If you want to contact any of WEFT's Administrators, visit our Administrative Contacts Page .
Music Contacts
If you want to contact any of WEFT's Genre Directors, visit our Music Committee Contacts Page .
Media - Pics, Videos, Newsletters etc.
To see more, visit WEFT's Media Page
Picture of the Month

Previous pictures WEFT Revue Jan/Feb 2004 WEFT Fest 2021 - 40 Years on the Airwaves WEFT Wireless from the Summer of 1988 Old Antenna Removal Turf Club Floor Plan Back Studio new equipment - Dec. 2020 Santa Ra - Happy Holidays Bob Corritore visiting WEFT Rasta James - 1998 4th of July Parade
To see more of WEFT's Pictures of the Month access our Media Page
WEFT Sessions
Thanks to our friends at UPTV - Urbana Public TV they film and edit the video and post it on YouTube UPTV WEFT Sessions archive on Yoube
With Illinois in Phase 5 of COVID-19 Recovery, WEFT Sessions is back with live solo/duo and full band performances (no guests as audience members please). Tune in each Monday night at 10:00 WEFT on our airwaves at 90.1 FM and streaming online.
Here's a few recent WEFT Sessions
- The Champaign Urbana Uke Club - December 6, 2021
- Drew Cagle and The Reputation - November 1, 2021
- Noise Aseembly - October 25, 2021
- Modern Drugs - 2021
- Leighton Ewers - March 29, 2021
- Sea of Stars - August 3, 2020
- Pinky the Destroyer - July 20, 2020
- Nick Dillon - March 03, 2020
- News-Gazette article - January 3, 2023 WEFT receives $10,000 grant from Rotary Club for roof repairs OPINION: Bob Asmussen
- Here's an older article, written by former WEFTie William Gillespie of Spineless Books. In 2002 he interviews one of our founders Bill Taylor and the Origins of WEFT
- News-Gazette article - February 9, 2020 New antenna on the way for WEFT community radio by Mary Schenk
- Video feature on Womyn Making Waves Airshifter Cope Cumpston - YouTube video created by Connor Cieko
- News-Gazette article - October 27, 2019 'The most unknown and underutilized resource in our community': WEFT 90.1 still making waves by Paul Wood
- News-Gazette article - September 6, 2019 Chef Ra's Urbana High classmates to hold memorial for him at 50th reunion
- News-Gazette article - November 13, 1981 C-U's Community Radio by John Erickson, Written shortly after WEFT went on the air. Interesting story about WEFT's struggles with the FCC and other issues to begin broadcasting. (Recently discovered at the Urbana Free Library.)
- Boca Raton News - December 18, 1983 Press release about WEFT's early days sent to national news outlets
Here's one of the most popular videos from the WEFT/UPTV Archives with over 700 views
WEFT Youtube Channel www.youtube.com/user/WEFT901FM Updated with UPTV WEFT Sessions and Prairie Monk shows on a weekly basis.
To view more WEFT Sessions videos access our Media Page
WEFT - In the Media
To see more of articles about WEFT access our Media Page
WEFT Wireless and WEFT Revue Past Issues of WEFT's Newspapers and Electronic Newsletters
2015 Issues WEFT Wireless - November 2015. WEFT Wireless - August 2015. WEFT Wireless - March 2015.
Archived Issue WEFT Revue - May - June 1995 - Vol. 3 Issue 3 WEFT Revue - Jan. 1994 - Vol. 2 Issue 1
To see more issues of WEFT's Revue and Wireless access our Media Page
If you have questions contact WEFT's Station Manager at 217-359-9338.