CU Progressive News
Shows are archived in mp3 format at 196kbps for fast downloads.
May 2017 shows
- May 27, 2017 -
- May 20, 2017 - Today's show includes: Danielle Chynoweth on her new position as Cunningham Township Supervisor and how that role will help the poorest of the poor in our community. Sandra talks to Donald Todd a person who is part of the in-homed population of CU. We have a report taken from the Public i about the Champaign County Nursing Home and audio from the rally to remember the 1992 protest that took place on the UI campus for the Latinex population.
- May 13, 2017 -
- May 06, 2017 - CU Progressive News this week includes a story about the dire situation that those with disabilities face because of the extremely low wages that the state pays to their assistants. Kadeem Fuller, an organizer with Black Lives Matter has his say about the state of our union on this May Day. Sandra Ahten interviews State Representative Carol Ammons on how the her office is funded, how she gets paid as a state representative and how she is exploring whether to run for United State Representative and head to Washington. We also have a 30 minute excerpt from a talk given by Robert McChesney titled This is What Happens When Journalism Dies: Trump, Fake News, and Neofascism:
April 2017 shows
- April 29, 2017 - On this week's CU Progressive News we talk to Blair Smith about about the Open Scene Project and their last workshop of the season, May 6th at the Independent Media Center in Urbana. We talk with Sunny Ture of the Black United Front UIUC about the dismissal of the Department for African American Studies Academic Advisor and Project 1000, and Ashvini Malshe speaks with the local RSO Asha for Education.
- April 22, 2017 - This week's CU Progressive News features an interview with Jeff Yokey, Executive Director of Champaign County Bikes. He tells about about many many aspects of biking in CU with a focus on May which is bike month. We have coverage from the Rally for Immigrants and an award winning short Profile of Reverend Evelyn Underwood produced by Libby Foster. The CU Progressive Calendar includes all the Marches, Rally, Talks and more from April 22 - May 6. Produced by Sandra Ahten.
- April 15, 2017 - On this week’s CU Progressive News we listen to public comments regarding the possible privatization of the Champaign County Nursing Home, we get an update on the Racial Justice Task Force, learn about the daily bread soup kitchen and their April 19th Empty Bowls fundraiser and we hear from Real Americans for district 13. We begin now with the Progressive Calendar.
- April 08, 2017 - On this weeks edition of CUPN Sandra talks to Alan Mills about the death of Tiffany Rushner in Sangamon county jail and how her death intersects with the treatment of the mentally ill and the horrors of solitary confinement. They discuss HB259 which will limit the amount of solitary confinement the can happen in Illinois Prisons. Brian provides an overview of resources to consult when dealing with or educating oneself about sexual assault, including RAINN and RACES. And we say goodbye to local black community advocate Lloyd Carter.
- April 01, 2017 - This week on CU Progressive News, as mentoring programs face potential difficulties, we play an interview with CU 1 to 1 mentoring about their mentoring program at the Unit 4 and Urbana school districts. We also speak with two faculty from Parkland Community College, Rochelle Harden and Evelyn Underwood, who share information on the history and necessity of Parkland and offer insights into what needs to be addressed by the Trustees who are being elected on the April 4 ballot. Lastly we speak with Dan Linn who of Phoenix Botanical about the possible recreational legalization of cannabis. We will also go over some progressive events.
March 2017 shows
- March 25, 2017 - Today’s edition of CUPN has many voices from your community including local activist and organizer Angel Zanarini who talks with Brian Dunn about getting politically involved. Also an interview conducted by Ashvini Malshe with Angie Hatfield Marker who is the Director of Development and Communication at Crisis Nursery during which she talks about the role, purpose and mission of the Center. We have a segment by Sandra Ahten we are calling the Criminal Injustice Corner which this week focuses on Wrongful Convictions in Illinois. We also have the CU Progressive Calendar for March 25 – April 1. which can be found digitally at There is also poetry by CU Poet Frank Modica and some events to plan for as well.
- March 18, 2017 - On this week's CUPN, Sandra interviews two teens without shelter about living on the streets of CU, and she speaks with Cameron Rabb of CU Indivisible about the possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
- March 11, 2017 - On this week’s CU Progressive News, we hear from Eric Jacobson on the recently passed resolution regarding how mental health will be addressed in Urbana. Dr. David Gill announces his bid for the US House of Representatives in the 13th District. We hear from United Against Inequities in Disease (UAID) about the work they plan to do on campus, and from the UIUC group Crescendo about supporting underrepresented populations in the arts and their upcoming bake sale fundraiser. Additionally we cover a t-shirt exchange program that took place last week on campus.
- March 04, 2017 - Sandra Ahten interviews Cameron Raab and discusses excerpts from his Smile Politely article about Rodney Davis. Constituent Alex Goodlad sends Rodney a letter. Brian Dunn visits with Savoy's Smoky's House BBQ about their pay it forward program. We present an extensive list of events on the Progressive Calendar which can also be found at Sandra reviews and reads excerpts James Kilgore's article that was published on called "Mass Incarceration in the Cornfields: Shattered Families and Racial Profiling in Small-town America."
February 2017 shows
- February 25, 2017 - This week on CU Progressive News: We do a progressive Calendar update to let you about know some of the events happening within the east central Illinois progressive community in the near future. We speak with Josh Hartke of the Champaign County board about upcoming referendums on the April 4th ballot regarding the Champaign County Nursing Home, why he is against its potential privatization, and what the organization Champaign county care is doing about the matter. We then get an update from Sandra Ahten on a story CUPN has been following regarding the local service workers union and the University of Illinois. We end this week’s program with audio from a very informative panel discussion put together by Real Americans for IL 13 regarding the fate of the Affordable Care Act.
- February 18, 2017 - This week on CU Progressive News we have recordings from the Rally for Immigrants which took place at Crystal Lake park in Urbana on February 11th - organized by Three Spinners, a local grassroots organization who are aiding Syrian Refugees. In that 20 minute segment you will hear from the Imam at the Central Illinois Mosque and Islamic Center; Carol Ammons State Representative and a member of the UIUC Muslim Students Association. Next we go over the Progressive Calendar which can be found at Then there is an interview w/Esther Patt on the Urbana mayoral race. We discuss the Champaign County Nursing Home situation and referendums that will be on the April ballot.
- February 11, 2017 - Sandra Ahten talks to Robin Arbiter, long time Urbana resident and advocate, on the Urbana Mayoral Primary that takes place on Feb. 28.
- February 04, 2017 - On this week's CUPN, we speak with Jonathon Ashbrook on opposing the Bulldog Coal Mine that may be built near the town of Homer and the Salt Fork River. We hear from Independent Journalist Sarah Lazare about the Freedom of Information Act. We hear audio and interviews from two demonstrations opposing the Trump Administration's Muslim Ban, the Champaign County Young Democrats talk about the thought and motivation behind the Women's March CU, and Libby Foster gets the thoughts of several women in the wake of the Women's March and the first few weeks of Trump's term.
January 2017 shows
- January 28, 2017 - This week on CU Progressive News we replay some of the speeches from the CU Women's March, go over some local/current events, talk with Shaya Robinson about the event "Evolution of Black Voices: Poetry Night for Black History Month", and Sandra goes over this week's progressive calendar.
- January 20, 2017 - CU Progressive News airs Saturday at 11am and Monday at 6pm. This week Brian Dunn interviews Tom from C-U at Home; Sandra Ahten interviews Ricky Baldwin re negotiations for SEIU Local 73. Wandjell Harvey-Robinson and Karidia Shelby report on laws that went into effect on January 1 and report on upcoming FOIA training with Brian Dolinar Sarah Lazare as well as training about the devastating real cost of fines with State Representative Carol Ammons.
- January 14, 2017 -
- January 07, 2017 -
December 2016 shows
- December 31, 2016 -
- December 24, 2016 -
- December 17, 2016 -
- December 12, 2016 - Sandra covers some local headlines, we interview Black Lives Matter co-organizer Kadeem Fuller on Social Justice, and Urbana considers a new Sanctuary City resolution.
- December 05, 2016 - We have an interview with an Urbana Midwife about her work in Haiti, an Interview on the movement of activism against the Dakota Access Pipeline, and an interview with the Illini Gadget Garage on the importance of repairing and reusing as well as recycling.
November 2016 shows
- November 28, 2016 - Sandra interviews a former inmate on the toll of solitary confinement, and we perform a series of interviews with local organizations including Hospice Hearts and the Illini Gadget Garage.
- November 21, 2016 - Brian cover a potentially problematic partnership between the Urbana School District and the local Housing Authority, Saxon interviews Jaya Kolisetty on the status of R.A.C.E.S. while there is no state budget, and Vicki Niswander interviews Zayd Jawad on Hunter's Syndrome.
September 2016 shows
- September 05, 2016 - CU Progressive News for 9/5/16 brings news on the Times Center, and on criminal charges that can be brought against parents if their children are absent from school. The second half of the hour is an interview Sandra Ahten conducted with Ondine Gross, author of "Restore the Respect; How to Mediate School Conflicts and Keep Students Learning".
August 2016 shows
- August 29, 2016 - CU Progressive News for 8/29/16 covers an update on David Gill campaign, SEIU labor, and the Illinois "Map redistricting" as well as an interview with Claudia Lenhoff of Champaign County Health Care Consumers.
- August 22, 2016 - CU Progressive News for 8/22/16 reviews the "moving parts" that are playing a role in the mental health services in Champaign county including 1/4 cent sales tax referendum, the CCMHB, Community Elements/Rosecranse and more. The last 20 minutes of the program are a commentary by Kristina Boerger on voting 3rd party.
- August 15, 2016 - The August 15, 2016 CU Progressive News - Chris Evans reports on the $10- 13 million Champaign County Jail expansion. A short story written by Robin Arbiter on a slum lording problem in Urbana's Lierman Neighborhood (Green Street Realty), the decision of Common Ground Food Co-op not to pursue opening a Champaign Store, Champaign County Young Democrats work on voter registration, a story on Rauner's vetoeing Automatic Voter Registration, and a report of local labor issues.
- August 08, 2016 - CU Progressive News for 8/8/16, hosted by Sandra Ahten, covers the intersection of mental health services and jail expansion on the cusp of the county deciding to put a referendum on the November ballot. Special guest Dan Linn is interviewed about laws and usage of marijuana in Illinois after the governor signed a bill last week decriminalizing small amounts.
- August 01, 2016 - CU Progressive News for Aug 1 features commentary on the Merits and demerits of the News Gazette with Dave Prochaska, a DN! interview with Carol and Aaron Ammons, an update on Illinois Marijuana laws, and Il State Map redistricting.
July 2016 shows
- July 25, 2016 - CU Progressive News for 7/25/16 features a conversation with Neil Parthum. With less than one month to go before the Summer Olympics, Neil Parthun - host of Not Another Sports Show, a Radical Look at Sports - will be on to talk about the 2016 Games in Rio. The discussion will range from the upending of funding priorities and established environmental + housing law to expanding state power and privatizing profits. We'll also cover the activism/resistance happening in Rio and talk about how what is happening is not an isolated Olympic host outlier.
- July 18, 2016 - CU Progressive News for July 18, 2016 features a conversation between Professor of Political Science Beldon Fields and Professor of African Studies and History Sundiata Cha-Jua discussing the climate of policing, police misconduct, and lack of justice in the local criminal justice system.
- July 11, 2016 - CU Progressive News for July 11, 2016 is hosted by Aisha Conner-Gaten regular host of the Friday Morning Menu at WEFT, a social justice activist and member of Black Lives Matter. Her featured guest is Tanisha King-Taylor and they will be exploring the topic of micro-aggressions.
- July 04, 2016 - CU Progressive News for July 4, 2016 features a documentary made by Sandra Ahten on the topic of the Death Penalty. Sandra traveled to Terre Haute, Indiana, site of the federal execution of Timothy McVeigh and interviewed pro and anti death penalty activists. She puts the death penalty in context during this documentary made in 2001. Updated death penalty statistics and other news stories are presented by Amanda Norvell.
June 2016 shows
- June 27, 2016 - CU Progressive News for June 28, 2016 features a phone interview with State Representative Carol Ammons on the budget as well as a tribute to Gene Vandeport by Beldon Fields of the Public i, a story on the proposed new Champaign County Executive position and a calendar of events. This edition is hosted by Sandra Ahten and Saxon Burns.
- June 20, 2016 - CU Progressive News for 6/21/16 features takes a deep dive into the royal treatment that Carle is giving Champaign County and Urbana. Why does a company who is one of the most profitable hospitals in America; whose "investment earnings" alone are more than $95M annually think that it doesn't have to pay the taxes that support our community, our schools, our parks? Host Sandra Ahten interviews Charlie Smyth Urbana City Council Member.
- June 13, 2016 - CU Progressive News for 6/13/16 features an in-depth analysis by host Sandra Ahten and guest reporter Chris Evans examining the non-prosecution of police by States Attorney Julia Reitz with a focus on the Champaign County police officer Jared Gale who was convicted of sex crimes. The show also features “Yes We Can” interviews with successful activist Wandjell Harvey regarding prison phone justice and Shawn Gilmore of the Non-Tenured Track Faculty Coalition.
The Progressive Calendar that was mentioned in the newscast may be found at THIS WEBSITE.
The video archive of the show may be found at THIS SITE.
- June 06, 2016 - Cindy Shepherd with Faith in Place will be discussing the Clinton Nuclear Power plant and the senate bill which would fund Excelon and hence negate funding for more job growth and business development with more renewable energy such as solar and wind. Guest Jay Rosenstien puts the retirement of mascot Chief Illiniwek into perspective 10 years after he is retired. And Isak Griffiths of Courage Connection is part of a report about the homeless crisis in Champaign Urbana.
Call to action to become an election judge for the next election: Email
Also mentioned in the show was Over The Edge - a unique event where supporters of Grow in Illinois raise funds from their friends and family in exchange for the experience of rappelling 8 stories down the side of the Eden Supportive Living Building downtown Champaign.
May 2016 shows
- May 30, 2016 - CU Progressive News for May 30, 2016 focuses on the Illinois budget impasse and how it is affecting social service and not-for-profits with guest Laura Huth. Brian Dolinar who has spent the last several months lobbying and preparing for passage a Illinois prison phone justice bill, is in the studio to talk about that recent legislative victory.
- May 23, 2016 - The May 23, 2016 edition of CU Progressive News brings headlines on a new labor law regarding overtime that will affect many workers; an update of the Illinois governments funding of social service agencies as well as other details of progressive events happening in the area. --- The feature story covers the groundbreaking of the new Kickapoo Rail Trail which is bike and hiking trail that will ultimately be a path from Urbana to Vermillion County. The in-studio guest is Steve Rugg, chair of the Champaign County Design and Conservation Society.
- May 16, 2016 - CU Progressive News features a live interview with two representatives from the Prairie Rivers Network . Also included is a pre-recorded interview with Dr. Sandra Kato of the NAACP regarding the "University 7" -- a group of University of Illinois employees who are suing the University regarding racial discrimination.
- May 09, 2016 - CU Progressive News features a live interview with Shawn Gilmore of the Non Tenured Faculty Coalition as well as State Representative Carol Ammons on the Prison Phone Justice bill and other bills that are currently in the legislation process. Sandra Ahten is the host this week and highlights the CU Progressive Calendar and includes a Mother’s Day Tribute. This is the first week that CU Progressive News will also be recorded by UPTV - Urbana Public Television.
- May 02, 2016 - CU Progressive News: Hosted by Rick Ebenshade - The feature story is a live interview with members of Three Spinners, a charitable organization that provides food, clothing, and shelter for Syrian refugees in Champaign-Urbana. There is also an interview with Dawn Blackman about the Randolph Street Community Gardens and headlines regarding Matt Rush and the Non-Tenured Faculty Coalition contract.
April 2016 shows
- April 25, 2016 - CU Progressive News: Hosts Sandra Ahten and Aisha Conner-Gaten cover local progressive news of the week as well as The Progressive Calendar. They are joined by Kadeem Fuller. Both he and Aisha are members of CU Black Lives Matter. Spurred by a comment made by President Obama they discuss how Black Lives Matters functions, how it is perceived, its purpose and where the local organization is focusing its efforts.
- April 18, 2016 - IMC/WEFT Progressive News program producers Sandra Ahten and Chris Evans introduce a public affairs program being jointly developed by WEFT 90.1 FM and the Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center. This weeks program covers these stories topics: this election season's attempt to unseat States Attorney Julia Reitz, the Non-Tenured Faculty strike at UIUC, bills on "prison phone justice" and "solitary confinement" currently passing through the Illinois House, the state of local cannabis laws, and an update on Matt Rush a recently again fired city of Champaign police officer.
- April 11, 2016 - IMC/WEFT radio news hosts Brian Dolinar and Sandra Ahten talked to Natalie Prochaska who is an expert on how programs of “Urban Renewal” devastated the lives of the residents affected by it. She shared how this practice, of forcing people from their homes, affected Champaign in the past and how it carries over to today.
- March 21, 2016 - Special investigative journalism piece on Matt Rush the Champaign City cop who has already cost the taxpayers $320,000. Learn the timeline; learn about the still pending suit, and about Rush's suit that he brings against Chief Cobb and Patricia Avery of the NAACP. Reporters: Brian Doliner (Public i) Sandra Ahten (IMC and WEFT), Chris Evans (IMC). Special guest Martel Miller.
March 2016 shows
Video of CU Progressive News is also available
CU Progressive News programs are also recorded by our friends at UP TV6 (Urbana Public TV) and uploaded to YouTube.
Here's YouTube's playlist of CU Progressive News programs.
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