World Labor Hour Saturday 11:00 am - noon
Hosted by David Johnson and the Labor Hour Collective. The World Labor Hour is the only place in downstate Illinois where you'll hear about workers' issues from a worker's point of view. Since April of 2015 shows are archived here on WEFT's website, for the archive of previous Labor Hour shows visit IWLH archives at Also check out the Labor Hour on Facebook.
Shows are archived in mp3 format at 56kbps for fast downloads.
October 2016 shows
- October 15, 2016 - Hour 1 - Scott Nance of the organization ADAPT is our guest and phones in about 30 minutes into the program. ADAPT is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom.
- October 15, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues with discussions about current local and national issues affecting working people. We take a couple calls from our listeners. At the conclusion of the show the World Labor Hour announces that after 21 years this will be the last show broadcast on WEFT 90.1 FM. The show will continue next Saturday on another station. (46:05)
- October 8, 2016 - Hour 1 - Barbara Kessel is our in-studio guest during the first half hour. She discusses the recent public forum at the CPL on jail expansion. She's involved with CU Books To Prisoners and the 3Rs Project. CU Books to Prisoners have a book sale coming up Saturday Oct. 22. The phone-in guest in the second half hour is Maxine Reigel with OWLS - Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity
- October 8, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues with discussions about current local and national issues affecting working people. (25:20)
- October 1, 2016 - Hour 1 - Our in-studio guests in the first hour are, Kadeem Fuller and Evelyn Reynolds, of Black Lives Matter C-U. They discuss important issues such as education and jail expansion as well as a series of upcoming meetings. BLM-CU on Facebook
- October 1, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues with in-studio guests, Megan Flowers and Efad, of the C-U Immigration Forum. They discuss issues affecting undocumented workers such as wage theft. Check out the C-U Immigration Forum website. (44:20)
September 2016 shows
- September 24, 2016 - Hour 1 - Our phone-in guest in the first hour is, Steve Grumbine, of Real Progressives, with information about the organization and how the Fed and finances really work. (Editor's Note: I edited out some technical problems with the phone system and a little music and took a portion of Steve's comments from the 2nd part of the show to make this 1st hour a cohesive discussion)
- September 24, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues discussions with Steve Grumbine and a few additional current local and national issues. Check out Real Progressives website and their Facebook page (49:04)
- September 17, 2016 - Hour 1 - Our in-studio guest in the first hour is, Muhammad Yousuf, President of the local chapter (UIUC) of Students for Justice in Palestine. Our phone-in guest is, Ben Lorber, with Jewish Voices for Peace.
- September 17, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues with discussions about current local and national issues affecting working people. (57:20)
- September 10, 2016 - Hour 1 - Our guest in the first hour is, Andrew Steele, Public Relations Manager and Operations Coordinator for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and the host of the 9/11 Free Fall podcast. He calls into the program to discuss the physical evidence that contradicts the so called "official" Bush Administration story about the collapse of the WTC buildings in NYC.
- September 10, 2016 - Part 2 - Gus Wood calls in from Atlanta, and the second part of the Labor Hour continues with discussions about current local and national issues affecting working people. (about 50 minutes)
- September 3, 2016 - Labor Day Special - Hour 1 - Jen White, the newly elected President of the Champaign Federation of Teachers is our guest during the first hour. Jen gives a concise update on the current state of negotiations with the Unit 4 School Board.
- September 3, 2016 - Labor Day Special - Hour 2 - Gus Wood calls in from Atlanta, and the second hour of the Labor Day Special continues with discussions about current local and national issues affecting working people.
August 2016 shows
- August 27, 2016 - Hour 1 - U. of I. Law Professor Francis Boyle is our guest during the first hour. Professor Boyle is unhappy that former Legal Adviser of the Department of State, Harold "Killer" Koh, is coming to the U. of I. to speak shortly before the November Presidential Election. 2016 Vacketta-DLA Piper Lecture
- August 27, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues with discussions about current local and national issues affecting working people. (short 32:52)
- August 20, 2016 - Hour 1 - We take a look back at the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and the government failures before and after the event.
- August 20, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues with discussions about current local and national issues affecting working people. (short 33:51)
- August 13, 2016 - Hour 1 - Our in-studio guest is working with State Representative Carol Ammons' office to do archival research into the Labor history of Champaign County. Most of the hour is a discussion on the DOJ report about the Baltimore Police Dept. and policing in general.
- August 13, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues discussions about policing and Champaign County's plans to construct a new jail. (short 49:53)
- August 6, 2016 - Hour 1 - No guests this week so the hosts have a chance to examine several current politcal and labor issues in-depth.
- August 6, 2016 - Part 2 - The second part of the Labor Hour continues with the hosts discussing current political and labor topics. (short 35:13)
July 2016 shows
- July 30, 2016 - Jim McCall a Union Electrician in IBEW Local 601 is our in-studio guest and John Reimann is our phone-in guest. John reports on his recent visit to Philadelphia and his impressions of the Democratic Convention. There's discussions about the Democratic Party's failure to stand up for working Americans. You can read John's blog at (extended length 1:40:27)
- July 23, 2016 - Hour 1 - Nancy Dietrich is our in-studio guest during the first hour. Nancy attended the People's Summit recently held in Chicago. She reports on the Summit and some of it's excellent films, panel discussions and workshops.
- July 23, 2016 - Part 2 - David Green is our in-studio guest during the second hour of the show. David is involved with the Prairie Greens, the local chapter of the Green Party of Illinois. He talks about Jill Stein's candidacy for President and other topics. Prairie Greens on Facebook.(short length 49:20)
- July 16, 2016 - Hour 1 - John Torkelson is our phone-in guest. He's running for Executiuve Secretary of the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters. He talks about the current leadership, it's efforts to consolidate power, the changes to the pension fund and why it's so important to replace them.
- July 16, 2016 - Hour 2 - The Labor Hour hosts continue with a discussion of current politics and labor issues. The last 25 minutes is a rebroadcast of a Labor Hour show from April 20, 2011 that features labor activist Gene Vanderport. Gene discusses his upbringing, early influences on his life, Labor Day and some of his thoughts on Scott Walker recently elected Governor of Wisconsin.
- July 9, 2016 - Stephen Edwards with the Socialist Alternative calls into the show to talk about rallies in Chicago supporting Jill Stein and the Green Party. Our in-studio guest is Karen Medina with A.W.A.R.E. (Anti-War Anti-Racism Effort) who discusses Kathy Kelly's visit to town later in the day. (extended length 1:38:13)
- July 2, 2016 - This show is dedicated to our dear friend and a friend to workers everywhere, Gene Vanderport. (extended length 1:30:33)
June 2016 shows
- June 25, 2016 - Our phone-in guest is Richard Master, he's the founder and owner of MCS Industries, a world leader in the picture frame and decorative mirror business. Cost increases in healthcare insurance led him to do an in-depth analysis and determine the best way to fix the problem. His movie "Fix It: Healthcare At The Tipping Point", looks at Single Payer Healthcare as the solution. Here's the link to the movie and supporting materials.(extended length 1:30:33)
- June 18, 2016 - Our phone-in guest is John Geyman M.D. He's a member of the National Academy of Medicine, past President of Physicians for a National Health Program, and Author of the books – "HIJACKED! The road to single payer in the aftermath of stolen health care reform" and "THE HUMAN FACE OF OBAMACARE promises vs. reality and what comes next".(extended length 1:48:20)
- June 11, 2016 - Stephanie Seawell is our in-studio guest. She is the past President of the GEO Graduate Employees Union at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and current staff person for the Illinois Labor History Society. She talks about the importance of Illinois and Chicago in labor history, events that everyone should know about including Haymarket, Pullman, Decatur and the southern Illinois coal strikes. A current project of the Illinois Labor History Society is a soon to open Mother Jones museum in Mount Olive Illinois. (extended length 1:30:35)
- June 4, 2016 - Barbara Kessel is our in-studio guest. She recently attended the meeting on the Champaign County Nursing home and discusses issues brought up at the meeting. She also discusses her experiences with the effects of privatization of governemnt institutions. (extended length 1:33:40)
May 2016 shows
- May 28, 2016 - Erek Slater is our phone-in guest. The campaign to get fired Chicago Transit Authority bus driver Erek Slater back to work continues. His defense campaign has grown, getting support from unions as far away as Korea and Australia. And support has expanded among Chicago unionists and community activists. Slater had taken seriously his duties as shop steward and defended a fellow worker whose rights were being abused by management, and, for that, management has targeted him. (extended length 1:33:40)
- May 21, 2016 - Retired Auto Worker Frank Hammer calls in from Detroit with updates about the recently signed UAW contracts. Manufacturing is moving to Mexico, two and three tier pay structures and other ways the workers are being sold out. (extended length 1:34:35)
- May 14, 2016 - In the first hour the hosts discuss local and national labor stories and open the phones to take calls from the listeners. One hour into the show Julia Berkowitz, IBEW Electricians Union member, called into the show to discuss the recent Women In The Trades Conference she organized in Chicago with Over 1,500 skilled tradeswomen from 40 U.S. states, Canada, Nigeria and the Philippines (extended length 1:34:35)
- May 07, 2016 - Our phone-in guest is Anthony from Chiampa Weed Radio. Chiampa (Shy-amp-uh) Radio stands for Chicago-Tampa radio because of the geographical location of the station operators. They recast radio programs from community radio stations across the globe and seek to provide our listeners with fun, quality programming. They also are home to The Joe & Anthony Show, two friends enjoying cannabis and relegating the latest crazy headlines from all over the place, oh and we are determined to reach 420 episodes! What happens after that is anybody's guess! Chiampa Radio on Facebook. We also have news about the NTFC Local 6546 victory in their battle with the U. of I. administration. (extended length 1:14:20)
April 2016 shows
- April 30, 2016 - special May Day edition - Hour 1 - Our in-studio guest is Christina D'Angelo, she is Chair of the Strike Committee of the NTFC Local 6546. They are on-strike at the U. of I., it's been over 570 days since they've had a contract and are looking for greater employment security and the ability to participate in faculty governance. (Note: the Union announced on Sunday evening 5/1/16, that the University had made some concessions and the Union had voted to end the strike and return to work)
- April 30, 2016 - special May Day edition - Hour 2 - Gus and David look at the origins of May Day, the nationwide general strike in a push for an eight hour work day, the strike at McCormick Repaer Works and the Haymarket Massacre. U. of I. History Professor Tariq Khan joins as an in-studio guest for some of the discussion.
- April 23, 2016 - Esther Barnett-Goffinet calls into the show to discuss the book she wrote "Ripples Of A Lie". The book is a biography of her father, Eugene Barnett, an innocent man sent to prison after the American Legion attacked the union hall in Centralia, Washington on November 11, 1919. Here's a link to more information about the book and the author Esther Barnett-Goffinet - "Ripples Of A Lie". (extended length 1:07:34)
- April 16, 2016 - Patrick Burns calls into the show to talk about the amazing story of Nestora Salgado. Free Nestora She was seized without an arrest warrant by Mexican federal soldiers in August 2013 as a result of her leadership role in community policing against organized crime. Andrew Scheinman joins as an in-studio guest about 55 minutes into the show. He discusses alledged instances of discrimination within the U. of I. Facilities & Services. (extended length 1:27:24)
- April 9, 2016 - Christina de Angelo and Kay Emmert, members of the Non-Tenure Faculty Coalition Local 6546 join us as in-studo guests in the first hour. They discuss the recent strike authorization vote. Local 6546 on Facebook Stay tuned they are scheduled to return to the show on April 30 with an update. Detroit Auto Worker Frank Hammer calls in to talk about the corporate assault on the working people of Detroit and his recent trip to Columbia and GM's assault on the working people there. (extended length 1:34:24)
- April 2, 2016 - Bill Gorrell hosts the show this week as David Johnson calls in from the Labor Notes Conference in Chicago. David reports on the Chicago Teachers Union one day strike on Friday and the excellent workshops offered at the Labor Notes Conference
March 2016 shows
- March 26, 2016 - Our in-studio guest this week is retired carpenter, Michael Wright. Michael relays some real world stories of what a well functioning union can do for it's members. One hour into the program we have a phone-in guest, John Miller, President of UPI (University Professionals of Illinois) Local 4100, IFT, AFT, AFL-CIO. John talks about the Union, the Illinois Budget Crises and the Day of Action in Chicago, April 1. (extended length 1:34:24)
- March 19, 2016 - Our in-studio guest this week is Debra Schrishuhn, Illinois Coordinator with the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) who talks about the organization and their support for Bernie Sanders.
- March 12, 2016 - Hour 1 - Hour 1 of this special Pledge Drive 2 Hour Show features Dan Linn founding board member of the IL Cannabis Industry Association discussing medical marijuana in Illinois and the soon to open dispensary in Urbana.
- March 12, 2016 - Hour 2 - Hour 2 of this special Pledge Drive 2 Hour Show features Irish author and Labor Political Activist Sean O'Torian (John Throne) who calls into the World Labor Hour to discuss the recent Irish elections and his views on what the Working class world-wide needs to do to defeat capitalist neo-liberalism and austerity.
- March 5, 2016 - U. of I students, Sunny Ture and Karen Olowu, members of Black Students For Revolution join us as in-studio guests to talk about their anti-capitalist and anti-racism movement. Our friend John Reimann ( calls in during the extended portion of the show to talk about Bernie Sanders and other issues. (extended length 1:17:30)
February 2016 shows
- February 27, 2016 - An open show which allows the hosts time to expand the discussion on several current labor related news stories. There is a segment on the lawsuits and settlements involving Champaign Police officer, Matt Rush. (extended length 1:05:00)
- February 20, 2016 - Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for President calls into the show in the second hour to discuss her views and the Green Party's non-corporate political platform. The first hour is an open forum for the hosts to discuss local and national issues related to working people. (extended length 1:20:00)
- February 13, 2016 - A report from the front lines of the class war, DETROIT. Rank and file Auto-Worker Frank Hammer calls into the World Labor Hour to give us a report about the various battles in Detroit against the especially brutal corporate neo-liberal austerity policies carried out by un-elected dictators called "Emergency Managers" appointed by the Governor. (extended length 1:02:03)
- February 6, 2016 - CrimethInc.
We speak with a representative of CrimethInc., an international anarchist network. For more than twenty years, CrimethInc. has published a wide range of literature, organized speaking tours and events, and helped to maintain dialogue between participants in Working class social movements around the world. (extended length 1:25:37)
January 2016 shows
- January 30, 2016 - It's an open show so the Labor Hour hosts have a chacnce to discuss several different local, national and international issues. There's a mix of talk, music and audio clips that keeps the show lively.
- January 23, 2016 - Mike Griffin phones in from Decatur, and Decatur Attorney Bill Faber is in the studio. They discuss current political issues in Decatur and how they relate to working people in the community.
- January 16, 2016 - There's no guest this week so the World Labor Hour hosts have extra time to comment on the State of the Union address and offer some reflections on the life and activities of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (extended length 1:11:53)
- January 9, 2016 - The World Labor Hour is delighted to have Sundiata Cha Jua, Professor of African American studies and History at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign as our in-studio guest.
- January 2, 2016 - This week's guest is Professor Gerald Friedman, University of Massachusetts Economics Professor whose economic study of the cost of a U.S. national Medicare for All / Single Payer healthcare system was distorted by a recent Wall Street Journal article and Hillary Clinton.
Archives of 2015 World Labor Hour Shows
Special Labor Hour Shows
- May 17, 2014 - Nick Koch joins us and reads about the Ludlow Massacre which occured over 100 years ago.
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